All you need to know about using APA format in research paper writing

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All you need to know about using APA format in research paper writing

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Learning is a multifaceted concept and for any student to be successful, he or she must meet all basic requirements. This includes how to correctly write an academic paper in the proper format and citation style. One of the commonly used writing styles is APA. So, what is APA? Basically, APA stands for American Psychological Association. Is your assignment needed in APA format? Here are important facts to know:-

  1. Your paper will require a title page

The first page in your document will be the title page. It will be different from the rest and will be formatted with a header to the right side written as “Running head: KEY WORDS DEFINING YOUR TOPIC”. This page will list the title of your research paper, your name, and institutional affiliation, name of your instructor and the date of submitting your work. Don’t hesitate to seek further guidance from an expert if you need more clarification and guidance on this.

  1. In-text referencing

Referencing your paper within the text is a major requirement for completing it successfully. Therefore, ensure you credit all sources used in writing your paper. For APA format, all you will be required to do is write the author’s surname and year of publication in parenthesis. For example, “…social sciences (James, 2016).”…

  1. Bibliography section

The other part of your research paper that defines APA formatting style is the bibliography section. Ideally, this is a section that comes at the end of your paper and lists all sources used in writing your paper. For APA style, sources are listed alphabetically. Details included for each source include the Surname, other names in initials, year of publication, title of the source, place of publication, name of publisher. For example Stephen, F. (2016). Title of the source (book, journal etc). City: Oxford Publishers

Note: different sources have different requirements. For a journal, you will be required to give the volume and issue no. Websites and online sources will also need different formats. Check out from a writing service that helped me to write my research paper.

  1. Other requirements

Above all that has been listed so far, your paper should be written in Times New Roman font size 12. Additionally, double-space in between your lines and ensure that your paper is aligned to the left.

There is no better way of writing your research paper than following the stipulated guidelines. Follow these for a high quality APA paper.